
Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Birthday America!

Here's to fireworks, cookouts, pool time and maybe even a slice of watermelon. It is one of everyone's favorite holidays, it's the Fourth of July, Independence Day, America's Birthday! This week the City of Auburn and Opelika are gearing up for a fun weekend to celebrate the birth of our nation. Below are some ideas to get you red, white and blue ready.

Firework Celebrations:

The City of Auburn will host their Annual Fourth of July Celebration on July 4 at Duck Samford Stadium. Gates open at 6 p.m. with live music beginning at 7 p.m. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and the whole family and enjoy delicious food from local vendors, door prizes and giveaways. The fireworks show will begin at 9 p.m. The celebration is free to the public and is sponsored by Briggs & Stratton.

Parking will be available at the lot off of E. University Drive, next to the Old Duck Fields. The parking lot off of Airport Road, between Bo Cavin Fields and the New Duck Fields, will be closed to the public to accommodate the fireworks shoot site. For more information, please visit www.auburnalabama.org/parks.

The City of Opelika will host their 63rd Annual Freedom Celebration on July 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Opelika High School track. There will be inflatable games, hamburgers, hotdogs, popcorn, activities for the whole family and entertainment by Route 66. The free event is sponsored by The Orthopedic Clinic and open to the public. For more information, please visit www.opelika.org/opr.


Buy Fruits & Veggies:

Don't forget to stock up on your fresh fruits and veggies, especially the watermelon, at your local farmer's market!
Opelika Mainstreet Farmer's Market- The market begins at 3 p.m. every Tuesday at the Opelika Courthouse Square. Come walk around the square and find fresh, local produce ranging from heirloom tomatoes to collard greens. You may even find some fresh bread, homemade ice cream or local honey. Depending on the year's crop, the market may continue through September or until produce is depleted. Check www.opelikamainstreet.org for further updates about the end date.
The Market at Ag Heritage Park- The market is an open-air farmers' market held each Thursday from 3-6 p.m. during the spring and summer growing season at Ag Heritage Park on the Auburn University Campus. The market offers locally produced fruits, vegetables, honey, ornamental plants, herbs, cut flowers, stone-ground grains, eggs, goat cheeses, goat milk soaps, baked and canned goods, and Alabama-roasted coffee. In addition, it often features the work of local artisans, educational booths, and musical entertainment. It's open to the public and will run through August 27.


Don't have plans for the Fourth? There is still plenty to do in Auburn and Opelika during a holiday weekend. Be sure to check out our website, www.aotourism.com, for a complete list of events, restaurants, music and nightlife options and of course shopping. We hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July!

This week in Auburn/Opelika:

June 30: Opelika Mainstreet Farmers Market at 3 p.m.
June 30: Summer Swing Concert Series at the Municipal Park at 7 p.m.
July 2: The Market at Ag Heritage Park from 3-6 p.m.
July 3-8: USTA National Intersectional Team Tennis
July 3: 63rd Annual Opelika Freedom Celebration at 6:30 p.m.
July 3: First Fridays "Shop Late, Eat Local" in downtown Opelika.
July 4: Auburn's Fourth of July Celebration at 6 p.m. at Duck Samford Stadium

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