
Monday, May 18, 2015

How to avoid hearing, "I'm bored..."

Tests are done, the last grades are being posted and the bell will soon ring for the last time, which can only mean one thing... SCHOOL IS OUT! As many city schools are winding down this week, kids and parents are ready for a break from homework, after school activities and all of the hussle and bussle that is the school year, and ready for the easy, breezy, laid back atmostphere of summer. If you are like most parents, you will have happy kids for the first few weeks, and then the dreaded, "I'm bored..." statement is back. Luckily, Auburn and Opelika are both prepared to take the burden off of you with the many camps for every interest. Below are just a few, but be sure to check www.aotourism.com for new camps added every day!

For the athlete:

Auburn University Football Camps: If your child is looking to brush up on some of his or her offensive, defensive, or kicking techniques, send them to the professionals... the Auburn Tigers that is. Head Coach Gus Malzahn and staff have put together a summer full of camps to benefit your child by improving their overall skills, and keeping them from sitting on the couch all day. For more information, visit www.auburnfootballcamps.com.

Auburn University Baseball Camps: Since baseball season is winding down for rec leagues and school ball, why not continue working on pitching or hitting that homerun on the off season. Under Coach Sunny Galloway, the Auburn Tigers have laid a great foundation for the future of AU Baseball, and they can't wait to share the excitement with your child. For more information, visit www.collegebaseballcamps.com/tigers.

Auburn University has camps in almost every other sport, including Equestrian, Golf, Swimming & Diving, Tennis and so much more. For information on all camps, visit www.auburntigers.com/camps.

Auburn High School also has camps that may be more cost efficient and convenient. Below are dates for athletic camps at Auburn High School:

AHS Baseball Camp: May 26-29 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/baseball)
Junior High Baseball Camp: June 2-4 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/baseball)
Lady Tigers Basketball Camp: June 15-17 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/basketball)
Boy's Basketball Camp: June 1-4 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/basketball)
Fundamental Skills Basketball Camp: June 8-10 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/basketball)
AHS Cheer Camp: May 26-28 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/basketball)
AHS Softball Camp: June 1-3 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/softball)
AHS Track and Field Camp: June 16-20 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/track)
AHS Volleyball Summer Camp: June 23-25 (www.auburnschools.org/athletics/volleyball)

The City of Opelika has several athletic camps avaiable for all ages this summer. Below are dates for those camps, find detailed information in your copy of The Park Bench.

Basketball Camp: June 18-19 for ages 6-8, 9-10 and 11-12 at Covington Center.
Sports Camp: June 22-26 for ages 5-7 at the Opelika Sportsplex.
Sports Camp: June 29-July 3 for ages 8-11 at the Opelika Sportsplex.
Mini Tennis Clinic Session 1: June 16 & 18 for ages 6-12.
Mini Tennis Clinic Session 2: July 14 & 16 for ages 6-12.
Cheer Camp: June 15-16 for ages 3-12, taught by the Opelika Cheerleaders.
11th Annual Back to the Dawghouse Camp: Date is TBA, check www.opelika.org/opr for more information.

Also be sure to check out the City of Auburn's athletic camps at www.auburnalabama.org/parks or pick up a summer brochure today, and the City of Opelika athletic camps at www.opelika.org/opr!

For the performer:

Auburn University Summer Band Camps: The award winning Auburn University Band is ready to help your child excel in every area this summer. They offer camps in percussion, symphonic band, majorette, colorguard and dance. These camps, while great for every skill level, is especially great for those interested in being involved in band in college. For more information, visit www.auburn.edu/auband.

Auburn University Cheer and Dance Camps: Auburn University is proud to partner with UCA, NDA, UDA and Half Time USA to bring you a summer packed with cheers, dances and stunts. These camps are packed with fun, team building and skill development. For more information, visit http://www.auburn.edu/outreach/opce/auburnyouthprograms/cheeranddance.htm.

Auburn University Musical Theater Camp: Musical Theatre Camp, conducted by faculty and staff from Auburn's Department of Theatre, is an exciting opportunity for rising 9-12 grade students interested in the field of musical theatre. For more information, visit http://www.auburn.edu/outreach/opce/auburnyouthprograms/musicaltheatre.htm.

AHS Mini-Majorette Camp: The Auburn High School majorette line wants to share their passion with your child this summer. The camp is for Ages 4 through upcoming 8th graders. This camp is great for sparking interest in baton twirling or for 8th graders to perfect those basics before tryouts next year. The camp is June 8-10. Contact Holley Mullen at aufamilyx3@bellsouth.net for more information.

Also be sure to check out the City of Auburn's theatre camps available all summer long for different ages. Visit www.auburnalabama.org/parks or check out the summer brochure for more information!

For the artist:

City of Auburn Art Camps: The City of Auburn wants to help your young Picasso this summer. With camps for all ages, you can't let your child miss out. Below are camp dates, but for more detailed information, visit www.auburnalabama.org/parks or check out the summer brochure!

Art For Young Children: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10 a.m.-noon. Ages 4-6.
Mommy and Me Music & Art: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9-10 a.m. (Ages 2-3), 10:30-11:30 a.m. (Ages 4-5.
Visual Arts Workshops for Children: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon. Ages 7-12.
Artworks Intensive Workshop-Create a Creature: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9 a.m.-noon. Ages 9-14.
Masks and Movement: The Art of Masks and Character Development: Monday-Friday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. 6th Grad and up.

The City of Opelika Art Camp: The camp begins July 20 and lasting through the 24. This is the 12th year of this hands on art class and has quickly become a hit. Student will use various media to create masterpieces. for more information, please visit www.opelika.org/opr or pick up your copy of The Park Bench today!

For the explorer:

The Kreher Preserve and Nature Center has a summer full of camps to fulfill the need to explorer in your child. Be sure to check out www.auburn.edu/preserve for detailed information on each camp and to register. Below are the dates:

Camp Discovery: May 26-29
Young Naturalist I Camp: June 1-5
Junior Rangers Camp: June 8-12
Young Naturalist II Camp: June 15-19
Explorers Camp: June 22-26

Those are just a few of the many camps offered this summer. Although I couldn't list them all, make sure to check out Auburn University, Auburn City Schools, Opelika City Schools, City of Auburn and City of Opelika websites and social media pages for other camps and further information on all camps listed here. As always, if you have any questions, please give us a call at (334) 887-8747 or visit our website at www.aotourism.com.

This week in Auburn-Opelika:

May 20: Landscape Watercolor Class at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center.
May 21: May Concert Series from 6-7:30 from Town Creek Park.
May 23-25: GOALFEST at Chewacla State Park.
May 25-31: Bluegrass on the Plains at University Station RV Resort.

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