
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What Does Your Favorite Gameday Tradition Say About You?

A-Day is just around the corner, and that only means one thing - football season is coming! 
And with football season comes tailgating, Toomer's lemonade, seeing the eagle fly and watching your Auburn Tigers dominate the field once again. Choose your favorite gameday tradition and find out below what it says about you - you might be surprised!

1. Rolling Toomer's Corner 
You’re fun, driven and competitive (but in a good way.) Nothing feels as good to you as winning does, and if it’s your Auburn Tigers, even better. You’re most likely to be found throwing the first couple rolls at Toomer’s corner, then snapping photos with you and your friends under the hanging strands, or lining up first to get into the game to get good seats. You’re most likely to be found in a game day score shirt or national championship shirt, or painting up/holding signs with your friends. (Like these kids.) 

2. Getting a Toomer’s Lemonade 
You’re the nostalgic type. Talk of Auburn makes you wish you were back in the good old days. When you come back for game days, you try to relive as much of your time here as possible (including grabbing a sweet Toomer’s lemonade) and remarking on how much the campus and downtown have changed. You believe in Auburn and love it, but cherish the “old” Auburn you remember. (Does anyone hang out in Foy Union anymore?) That doesn’t stop you from having fun, though. You’re most likely to be found at a tailgate and then the game – you wouldn’t miss it for the world. 

3. The eagle flying before the game 
You’re a family man (or woman!) You have very close relationships with the people in your life. Nothing beats hearing your voice join in unison with thousands of other Auburn fans as you watch the eagle soar over the stadium. You’re most likely to be found at the Raptor Center before the game, or walking around campus checking out the tailgates and reveling in the feeling of being a part of Auburn family. You like football season, but the best part of it to you isn’t the game – it’s celebrating Auburn as a whole. 

4. Tiger Walk 
Your middle name is school spirit. You’re fun, dedicated to Auburn and love Auburn football more than anything – in fact, it’s likely that “Auburn” was your first word. You’re bedecked in AU face stickers, your brightest orange and deepest navy, shaker in hand, yelling WAR EAGLE at the top of your lungs. You’re most likely to be found waiting for Tiger Walk to begin (in hopes of getting close enough for a high five from the team) or seeking out Aubie for a picture. 

5. Tailgating 
You’re the life of the party. You know how to take a step back from work/school and just relax, which makes your tailgate the best place to be (no work talk allowed!) You’re more likely to be found reliving your Greek days on Old Row or engaging in a pickup game of football on the grass in between tailgates or relaxing under the shade. You’re more likely to be found in a bright orange Auburn t-shirt, unless you’re feeling fancy - then it’s an Auburn button down and khakis or a gameday dress. 

6. Singing the alma mater after the game 
You’re a traditionalist. You value your Auburn education and overall experience more than our football record, but that doesn’t mean football doesn’t get you excited. You’re more likely to be found in the Special Collections of RBD or grabbing a quiet drink at Avondale Bar and Tap Room. You’re also less likely to be found in a “Gus bus” shirt – more likely a vintage Aubie tee or an old college shirt from when you went to Auburn. 

7. Chanting "Roll Tide" 
You’re a loyal and dedicated fan, family member and friend. Your taste in teams could be better, but no worries – there’s room in the Auburn Family for you, too. (If you can stand to ditch the houndstooth.)

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